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Okay, so Buffalo Wild Wings, or Bdubz (as I like to call it) is a very awesome place to go! I think it is probably my most favorite, quick, tasty, restaurant here in town! I love Bdubz. I generally get the spicy garlic one either an eighteen piece boneless wing meal or on the three slammers with their specialty fries! Mmm mmm mmm, is it good or what! I am making my mouth water as we speak since I know it is so good! I had recently tried to apply there about a month ago or so because I thought it would be pretty neat working at the one place that I love to eat their food! I never did get a reply back from them though, probably since I have a job already, which is okay I guess, it just kinda sucked. I think it’s cool how the people that wait on you have their signature on the back of all their t-shirts and jerseys that they wear as their uniform. I thought that was the coolest thing ever the first time I went to a Bdubz! I also thought it would be cool to go work there because of all the very beautiful women that work there, but don’t tell anybody I said that. That was and is a reason why my brother and I always go there. We go for great food and to window shop, if you know what I mean. Another thing that I thought was pretty cool about Buffalo Wild Wings is how they have like a lot of televisions playing all different types of sports and races and games. It is pretty neat but I mean it is like you don’ t even know which screen to look at since you want to see a little bit of all of them!


Oh, My, Goodness! I have not had an ounce of sleep for the longest time! I can literally never get to bed it seems like. Every day I say to myself, “Josh, today you will go to bed early!” And oh, guess what, I don’t! I can never get to bed early it seems like. I feel extremely sleep deprived. I try to go to sleep sometimes but when I do I just lay there and can’t fall asleep. I will stay up until like three in the morn just to try and fall asleep. Half the time I try to fall asleep to a movie or something or like music, but nope, even that never works. I will come home from work late all the time and by the time I get home I am exhausted but for some reason I can’t ever get to bed on time or any time earlier than what I usually do which is after midnight. I thought it was the amount of soda that I generally drink. I generally drink about six sodas a day! I have cut back to about one or none a day now for the past week or more. I have felt a lot better throughout my day. Even when I think I should be tired since I barely got enough sleep I still feel rested-ish and like I am slightly awake and aware. Recently, I have been trying to drink about a gallon of water a day. I get to about half a day so far. I am trying to flush out all the bad stuff that I consume all the time. I also began to think that I was getting a little gut on me from eating too much, drinking too much soda, and not getting enough sleep. So I am changing my habits and hopefully I will be less tired all the time!


Smart Phone. Why do we all want smart phones? Well, let me tell you! Smart phones are pretty awesome. I recently just switched off of my expired two year contract to go to a new phone, which happened to be the new Samsung Gallexy S3 smart phone. I absolutely love it! I do wish I would run a little bit faster RAM but that’s okay. That’s something that can be easily dealt with. Okay so the first thing I really liked about this phone was the screen! The screen was absolutley gigantic! I couldn’t believe it and it was so easy to like read everything on the screen! I didn’t have to like squint my eyes just to see some of the pictures that people sent me and the screen had an HD resolution so that made all of my pictures look super clear and vivid. None of my pictures anymore are super pixelated and tiny.The one problem I did see with the size though, was “How would I be able to fit this in my pocket?” I was actually able to fit it nicely into my pocket. Though, once I wore my favorite, somewhat tight jeans, I had a hard time getting the phone back out. Then once I went out and bought a protective case for the phone, I wasn’t able to put the phone in my pocket anyways so I gave up on that aspect. One other thing that I really like about this phone is that you can add apps onto it. You can have your choice of thousands of different apps. There is literally just about an app for everything now! I specially loved how easy it was to organize all my apps into like folders and where on my main line where I wanted to put them. This phone is super user friendly and I would advise it to anybody that is looking to get a smart phone anytime in the near future!


Puppies. Why are puppies so flippin’ cute and adorable? I love puppies. I am not trying to sound homo sexual or anything, I am just saying that I really think that puppies are super cute and adorable! To be completely and utterly honest this is just another one of those filler blogs to get a better grade on my winter term final grade so that I can pass my world humanities and composition class for my senior year at kennedy high school. I do not mind doing blogs. The one thing that I really don’t like about blogs is the part about trying to find ideas on what to write about. I know we are suppose to write about like stuff around the world or about some that we can make a connection with around the world but in all honesty who actually does that? I mean, I have basically made this just a really cool journal. I think it is really good to have a journal too! It is a really good way to actually get all of your feelings and thoughts out on writing so that you can read them or throw them away physically if they are bad! I sort of do like to write. It is almost as if you are still thinking inside of your head and having conversations with yourself though you are writing it down and reading what you are actually saying within your mind and thoughts. I think that part is pretty neat! But anyways! Puppies are awesome. I really wish I could have a puppy but my grandmother is allergic to dogs, which is highly upsetting. It’s no different than how other people are allergic to cats, she has the same symptoms as those people do around cats. But yeah, I really do miss having a dog or a puppy around all the time to play with :/

The Pope, Benedict the XVI is retiring. I thought this story looked a little interesting, being as I am a Christian. I had never known that a Pope could actually retire. Benedict was saying in this video that he is retiring due to the fact that he has aged quite well and doesn’t have the strength anymore to keep going on with this very large responsibility of his shoulders. I though the Pope looked very old a long time ago. I never really did ever understand why they would always appoint some really old man to be the Pope. You would think that they would begin with having a slightly younger guy out there to be the Pope so that they may last longer and be able to do their work a little bit better. I guess I just don’t understand. I was also a little curious on why we have a Pope in the Catholic faith. I mean what exactly does he do? Plus, why is it always a he? Why has there never been a female Pope? What is so wrong with a female Pope? I still don’t really get that either. Everything for as long as my studies can remember, there have always been men doing all the religious faithful doings within this religion but I never understood why or what the significance of having only the males do all the work and not have any females in the picture. It baffles me! Okay, so this Pope that they have now is very old and retiring. What are they going to do now? Do they just go and appoint another Pope? Who do they select from? Do they just go out and find a priest somewhere or is it more like how they found the Dali Lama? Whey they went out and found some kid but in this case a very old man?

Carl Azuz Explains Gas Prices. I recently was thinking a lot about what is going to happen with gas prices. I am worried because, well, of course my vehicle does not get the greatest mileage that a vehicle can get. Plus, I do do a lot of driving and I am just worried that I won’t be able to keep up with the prices and let alone still be able to pay for other things. Such as: phone bill, entertainment, and traveling like going across towns to go meet up with some friends of mine. Okay, so in this video. Carl Azuz, the CNN Student News guy, says that we should not just go into  a gas station and start blaming the guy at the counter working for raising the gas prices, because fortunately for them, they are not the issue at hand. The problem with gas prices mainly comes from CRUDE oil. For every dollar that is spent on gas, Crude oil takes up 72 cents of that dollar. They are the biggest chunk out of our major gas problem. Then, 13 cents of every dollar spent of gas is given to government TAXES. Another 8 cents of every dollar spent on gas if for refining. REFINING, is how you process all that crude just to produce it into gasoline. Then finally, DISTRIBUTION takes up the last 7 cents out of every dollar. Distrtibution is what is basically all the advertising for selling the fuel and the transportation to all the different stations by semi and then same with paying all the people that work for those advertisement companies. Gas is no small subject. Yes it really blows having to pay so much for gas every week but it’s not cheap to make it! I believe we should really work hard in trying to find a better solution to transportation than fossil fuels!


Schedules. These are very useful tools! Though, why do we have them? I would say that we have them to keep order throughout our day or week or year. If I did not have something as such as an agenda, I would be wandering around in my day like a dog who lost it’s  tail. By keeping a sort of “Schedule,” one seems to take on a routine. By having a routine, it is easy to keep that routine and be more likely to do well on his or her work. I feel that by keeping a schedule and a routine, one can be more focused rather than thinking about what they could be doing. When you do not have a set schedule you can do practically anything. By having that mindset, it is highly difficult to stay focused on anything. This is difficult because one may be thinking about multiple different thoughts, ideas, or actions they could be doing at the point in time. Recently, I just changed my schedule for my third term of my senior year. I had done this to keep order amongst the last remaining days of my high school career. By doing this, I was able to save some time for my morning schedule. I have a tendancy to be held late up at work and in return, I come home late in the day. For once I came home, I was exhausted. Then, being exhausted, I had no energy to even have a hint of wanting to do any amount of homework. This past term has been by far the worst for me due to not being able to do homework after work and also, not being able to wake up the next morning from being so exhausted from the night before. This is one reason why I believe it is a great idea to keep a schedule at hand and to keep track of your time management!


Time. Who ever has “time”? Why are we ALWAYS looking for time? We never have enough “time” for anything! Yet we have all the time in the world! Why do we like to do so many things before our “time” is up? Why do we not just live life to it’s fullest, and do what we want and not stress? What is so special about time? Why do we always never have enough of it? What difference does it make if we have time or not? Why is there a deadline to everything? Why can’t there ever be an endless amount of time? Why is there an end to everything? Why can there be and endless amout of time when time is not absolute and yet we always have to think that it really is not endless? What makes time more important than many different other things?  I mean, I know that there are some things that we just wish there wasn’t a deadline for like death or happy moments and what not, but like why do we want more time? Why is it so hard for people to accept the fact that there are just some things that we have no control over! Like, for instance, we can’t control how much time we have for anything! I think that people can’t ever get enough time because they are afraid of it. I believe that people fear time or don’t know that they fear time and try to cover that fear of time by playing the macho man where they try to act tough so that they don’t seem so frightened. I think that time is another way of a sort of addiction. Some people are addicted to money like that makes up their whole life story but to some, I think that they are addicted to time. They would do absolutely anything to get time or to extend time so they make that their life’s work.


Starburst. This is one very fruity and fruitful chewy candy that has been around for quite some time now. I have had very many occurrances with this sweet friend of mine. I wouldn’t say this is by far my most favorite fruity candy. Though, I would say that I do love this treat very much! Somebody who loves this even more than myself would be my brother. He has had a place for Startburst in his life for the past few years now. Sometime in highschool, he began by bringing home a huge bag of Starburst nearly every day! Then, one day, he found something. My brother was looking around online and found a really cool project. This project, he had heard from a friend. This friend had told him that he should start making a Starburst rope! That friend of my brothers then showed him how to create this massive rope. First, you need to fold each individual wrapper into a certain form. This form is like a very skinny U shape. By doing this, you then create a way of linking each wrapper together so that you can form this rope! I thought it was really cool when I first heard about it. When the people at our high school in cascade heard about what my brother was doing. (This was quite some time ago before we moved) The people at our old high school began to take all of the starburst wrappers that they had and gave them to my brother so that he can continue with his creation of the startburst wrapper rope! This wasn’t the only way my brother was receiving his wrappers for his rope. At his graduation party, he had set up a jar on the table of gifts so that people can eat the starbursts at their tables and leave the wrappers in the jar for him to continue his rope. It is now about fifteen feet long.

Mardis Gras. I hadn’t known a thing about this holiday until I took a trip last week down to New Orleans, Louisiana to visit my father. This holiday is supposedly a religious Christian holiday to celebrate and feast before they fast for like forty days. By the looks of it to me, it is just another holiday for Christians and people to drink and party. I have nothing against this of course! I absolutely had a blast walking down Bourbon St. getting beads thrown at my head from above and being around thousands of crazy awesome partiers! There were some very exotic people that went all out on their Mardis Gras celebration stuff! I ended up getting one fo those multicolored polo striped Mardis Gras t-shirts with a hood from Wal-Mart. Down south was just nuts! They had at least one parade every day for like a whole month but I was only there for a week but still! There were a lot of women (and men) that would flash their stuff to the people up in balconies so that they would throw them some beads. People were just having fun and I really enjoyed it! I am a partier myself and to be around that many people who also love to party was absolutely fantastic! I can’t wait to go down again! I had also gone to one of my father’s wife’s children’s parades and received a ton of beads! Like, no joke, there were probably a ton of beads around my neck by the time I got home! The whole time I was down there it was just fun the whole time. There was rarely ever a time where I was either bored or just wasn’t having fun. I was extremely exhausted though by the end of each night! New Orleans, Louisiana is definitely the place to be for Mardis Gras partiers!