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This post by Dorothy Adele caught my eye. St. Barths’ runway is 2,133 feet long. It is one of the shortest runways in the world. This is the third most dangerous runway in the world. St. Barths’ is in the Carribbean Islands. Now, for any beginner pilot this would look absolutely horrific, am I wrong? I mean look how short that runways is! Okay, now let me tell you this. Dont, Be, Nervous! With anything, not only when you are flying, training, or having a career in Aviation, but you should never get nervous or scared. Take it with baby steps. Start off on a local airport and work your way up the “difficulty” ladder. Once you have mastered the one you are working on, then move up to a more difficult area of flight. There should never  be a moment in your flight where you either A, don’t know what you are doing, or B, you don’t know what to do in the situation you are in. If this is the case which I sure hope this will never be the case, but if it has become an issue then you either had a horrible instructor or you were given your license too soon without enough experience. You should always be confident in yourself and with your aircraft before EVERY flight you takeoff in!