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Okay, well, I know this topic doesn’t really have anything to do about Aviation but, this does pertain to the “what’s going on around the world” topic. As you may have heard there was an attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya the other day due to a video that was posted, by a priest in Florida, on YouTube. This priest, last year, had made some nonsense about burning the Quran, which of course caused a stir. Anyways, this video was then translated from English and cause a huge fuss over in the Middle East which lead to extremists attack the US Consulate. Four Americans died, including Chris Stevens, our US ambassador for Libya. He was supposedly a very well know guy but I don’t see why this one guy was a huge deal. Who really is Chris Stevens? What accomplishments did he have? Also, what exactly is an ambassador? An ambassador is basically a representative of their home country, though they are in another country, trying to keep cultures and relations strong. Another question that occurred to me is how in the world could somebody be so devoted to their religion, faith, or social group go as far as to kill people, due to the fact that they didn’t like something those people had done? Talk about going to the extremes right! In my standards, I wouldn’t ever be able to kill somebody because I can’t even stab a straw into a Capri Sun! But then it occurred to me that nobody was saying who exactly did do the bombing of the Consulate. People are wondering who do we blame for this tragedy? And then you have people like me, where we are asking, “What exactly is the difference between an Embassy and a Consulate?” and, “Why was the ‘consulate’ the target … what was it’s purpose behind bombing there?”