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So they say the sky is my limit, but now it’s my point of view. This photo reminds me every time that I fly. Just look at this view. You feel like you can do anything, you are absolutely free! When they say bird’s eye view this is exactly what they mean. When somebody can look at this and receive the most amazing feeling of beauty, passion, and sensational freedom from the everyday, “Oh you have to move in this direction!” it is just absolutely amazing. Direction and isolation cease to exist up in the sky. There is not one person that I know that has never thought about living up in the sky some day. That is pretty much everybody’s dream. The moment you lay your eyes on a bird soaring through the sky, most people, like myself, begin to think about how they would love to have that same freedom that that bird has. To just wake up every morning to twist, turn, dive, and move in any such direction that we please without the environment around us is telling us we can’t do that.
Thought some of you may be asking, “Why would the photographer choose to take this photo?” I think the photographer wanted to have their viewers see their point of view too. There are some people that will never have the luxery to fly whether for recreation, business, or just to get from place to place. This photo shows those certain people what it really looks like when you are looking from the opposite direction of everybody else around you. Most pilots, such as myself, like to think that we have the greatest job in the world. Our office has the best view anybody can possibly imagine. “Living” in the sky is and always will be my most adored dream and soon reality.