We had recently spent some time reading about Mohatma Gandhi! Before hand, I had known absolutely nothing about the guy! I just knew that from what everybody else was saying about him that he was an amazing guy that did some wonderful things for world peace. I thought he was just some guy that had a really good moving speech or something of that sort, but of course I was way off the beaten track with that accusation! Gandhi was a man of extreme rarity! He had pushed so hard to fight for the rights of his people with non-violence! It was practically a new way of thinking for everybody around the world. People were absolutely astonished by what Gandhi was doing and how he was going about it and seeing that his methods were actually working! They found that you can go about fighting for what you want without jumping straight to conclusions with violence and hatred toward the person that is hindering you or your people from what you or all of you want and prefer. This was absolutely amazing. Gandhi was a lawyer so he knew the ways of justice and also he knew how to talk to people and be convincing. He also thought that people looked too much toward economic progress, or looked too far into obtaining material goods. Gandhi wanted everybody to think more about leaning toward real progress or moral progress. That being, work more on personal character and working toward a better community through non-violence. He had stated in an interview we read that Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and Ramakrishna were thee most influential and moral people of all time and they all focused on moral progress firsthand. They all lived in poverty by choice and chose moral progress of economic progress. Gandhi had said that if you focus more on the moral progress first then the economic progress will just follow! Basically meaning that if you are bold in character and strong in society then the material goods will just come to you rather than fighting to obtain them first.